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30-90 minute sessions can be done in person, by phone or via videoconferencing.

Personal Leadership Coaching

Being an effective leader begins with being a leader in your own life.  Whether that leadership is in an organization, a community, or your family room, personal leadership means paying attention to what’s important in your life and making choices that leave you feeling in alignment with your true self.  Yet, those choices aren’t always clear, or easy.  


Through the process of 1:1 Coaching, you’ll learn concrete techniques to strengthen authentic communication, identify trigger spots that trip you up in decision-making and clarify limiting beliefs that keep you stuck. 


You’ll get strategic, action-oriented coaching in a confidential, supportive environment with a coach who has three decades of experience helping people create fulfilling lives.  

I love to work with people who:


  • Want to make a difference in the world

  • Are high energy entrepreneurs with passion

  • Have a strong desire for personal growth and change - and are willing to take action to achieve it

  • Want to reach a specific goal, like starting a business, passing a licensing exam, exploring a good career fit or launching a plan for a life transition like parenthood or retirement



Initial Discovery and Strategy Session

90-minute $350


Coaching Package 

4 Session 60 min $1200

8 Session 30 min $1200


Individual Session    

60 minutes $320

30 minutes  $160


Custom-designed packages  include a combination of longer and shorter sessions, all shorter sessions, or short daily check-ins.  Packages may also be designed to include a seat at our Get ‘Er Done Project Workshops.

ADHD Coaching

Are you tired of constant chaos, both externally and internally? Frustrated with your lack of focus? Whether you have a diagnosis of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or have challenges with managing distractions and maintaining focus, ADHD Coaching can help you learn tools and strategies so you can clarify what's important and tap into your unique way of being in the world with ease and grace.  


Through the process of ADHD Coaching, you will gain a better understanding of the challenges AND the gifts of ADHD. You’ll develop systems and strategies to organize your physical space,  establish chosen routines and improve your sense of time. You will learn to break big goals into smaller tasks and have accountability to take action on what’s important to you. But none of these can happen without the core work of challenging behaviors and beliefs that limit your potential, an area of expertise where Jane is a leader in her field.  Together you will improve your ability to notice habits that hold you back and choose empowering words, phrases and actions that help you give yourself permission to be yourself….your BEST self.  

I love to work with people who:


  • Want to make a difference in the world

  • Are high energy entrepreneurs with passion

  • Have a strong desire for personal growth and change - and are willing to take action to achieve it

  • Want to reach a specific goal, like starting a business, passing a licensing exam, exploring a good career fit or launching a plan for a life transition 



Initial Discovery and Strategy Session

90-minute $350


Coaching Package 

4 Session 60 min $995

9 Session 60 min $2250


Individual Session    

60 minutes $270

30 minutes  $135


Custom-designed packages  include a combination of longer and shorter sessions, all shorter sessions, or short daily check-ins.  Packages may also be designed to include a seat at our Get ‘Er Done Project Workshops.

Laser Coaching

Sometimes you just need to run something by someone…to think out loud or get some guidance on a particular challenge at work, home or in a relationship. Laser coaching sessions are designed

to give you a place to do drop-in coaching on a specific issue so you can get clarity, sharpen your focus, plan out next steps and get moving again.


Schedule a 20-minute consultation to see which type of coaching is right for you. 



Purchased one session at a time:


90 minutes   $350

60 minutes   $270

45-minutes  $225

30 minutes   $135


 I was able to secure funding on my 210 project and am closing on it today.  Just want to say …wow…  And thank you for your amazing belief in me, positive communication, positive energy, encouraging words, faith, everything.  I’m sitting here with the most incredible feeling of accomplishment / relief / pride.  Maybe as strong as I’ve ever felt.  Just wanted to let you know to give you a smile today and share in this amazing feeling



Danville, CA

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